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Latest Public Notice

Public Notice – Dated 25 January 2025

When people are told they are being poisoned from the sky and the chemical trails are making them sick, the usual response is to attack with imaginary claims the trails are condensation or compressed hydrogen.
Another response is to say the government would not lie to us.
How many government employees and ordinary people have said Geoengineering is a myth and not real. Then laughed at those informing them of the truth.
Yes, Geoengineering is real which includes weather modification. I suggest you look into what is being sprayed above innocent peoples heads and the effects it has on all humans, animals (yes your pets). The earth itself is being poisoned to the point farmers won’t be able to grow nutritious food.
MSDS and COSHH have to be followed and understood. The men and women doing geoengineering do not follow any rules.
Click on the link below to view government/parliament issued documents 10 March 2010, almost fifteen years ago.
You are not sick, you are under the weather, literally.

Public Notice – Dated 25 June 2024

How To Halt Any Court Action Against You

As a living man or living woman you have the right to challenge the authority and jurisdiction of any court that seeks to prosecute you. According to the rules that the state is bound by, if the court cannot establish authority and jurisdiction to hear the case they may not proceed. This is a Fact.

The issues of authority and jurisdiction must be established at the beginning of any case. Once you lodge your challenge, the court can’t proceed against you until the issue of authority and jurisdiction has been dealt with.

In attempting to establish authority and jurisdiction a judge may not simply claim to have it, that’s like you claiming that you are Donald Duck. Once challenged, the issue of authority and jurisdiction has to be dealt with by a higher court.

The aim of presenting this challenge is to confirm that the state does not have authority or jurisdiction over living men or living women. All points raised in this challenge are not controversial and cannot be reasonably disputed, as long as one point is established, you have removed their authority and jurisdiction which confirms that they cannot proceed.

The Requirements

When using this challenge, only Facts in Law are used to achieve a result. Many people have tried to use this argument in the past and have been ignored. Only if we stand together and use the following steps can we address this issue.

To confirm your position, the following steps must be complied with. This will confirm your standing and the fact the state can no longer prosecute you. Links to the relevant pages are provided and there is no charge for this. Just complete the five steps below to allow you to issue your Lawful Challenge.    

  1. You have to create your own account on
  1. You have to complete your Birth Certificate declaration to obtain a BC number. This confirms when your mother delivered you  and that you are living. 
  1. Complete an application for ownership of the Fictitious Name to obtain a FN number. This is the legal entity ‘PERSON’ that the state created and use to bind you into slavery.
  1. Complete an entry for your Lawful Birth Date to obtain a LBD reference number. This is the date when you were created in your mother’s womb.
  1. Complete your application to join the Cruinn Community to obtain a CCN number. This confirms you stand together with other members all across this realm.

The Challenge

Now that you have completed the required forms, we proceed with the Challenge document. This document is prepared for you and must not be changed, the only changes required are explained in the notes section. These changes are only required to personalise your challenge and are coloured in red.

As we need to confirm that the state does not have authority or jurisdiction over us, we need to establish FACTS which confirm our position. The following information outlines the points that we use in the Lawful Challenge: 

  1. The Declaration of the Common Law Court
    This is a founding document that establishes the position of living men and living women and confirms they are not bound by statute law.
    This is a fact and cannot be disputed.
  1. The Lawful Charter of the Cruinn Community
    This is a founding document that establishes the creation of the Cruinn Community for living men and living women. The Cruinn Community operates under the authority and jurisdiction of the Common Law Court.
    This is a fact in law and cannot be disputed.
  1. The PERSON
    This is a legal entity and also a corporation which the state unlawfully attaches to living men and living women.
    The creation of the PERSON allows the state to conduct business through unlawful contractual agreements. All statutory legislation relates to a PERSON.
    This is a fact in law and cannot be disputed.
  1. Living men and living women
    The position of living men and living women is confirmed with a declaration of birth on the Common Law Court.
    This is a fact in law and cannot be disputed.
  1. Conflict of laws
    This exists when you deal with two separate judicial systems.
    The statutory system exists and deals with PERSONS, corporations, contracts and statutory legislation.
    The common law system exists and only deals with living men, living women and the law of the land.
    This is a fact in law and cannot be disputed.
  1. The Hague Conference on Private International Law 1951
    An international agreement that establishes the need to address a conflict of laws.
    Until an appropriate court is established to deal with a dispute, no hearing may proceed until this conflict of laws is dealt with.
    This is a fact in law and cannot be disputed.
  1. Authority
    Until authority is established to deal with a dispute, no statutory hearing may proceed.
    If authority is challenged, the judge may not just claim they have it.
    This is a fact in law and cannot be disputed.
  1. Jurisdiction
    Until jurisdiction is established to deal with a dispute, no statutory hearing may proceed.
    If jurisdiction is challenged, the judge may not just claim they have it.
    This is a fact in law and cannot be disputed.
  1. Slavery
    Slavery is banned throughout the world in all forms. This includes the use of attaching a slave name to a living man or living woman, to create the PERSON.
    This position has been re-enforced with numerous supreme court rulings.
    This is a fact in law and cannot be disputed.
  1. The United Nations Declaration on Human Rights 1948
    Created after the second world war to establish and protect all Human Rights.
    All signatories to this agreement are bound by their articles.
    This is a fact in law and cannot be disputed.
  1. The Clearfield Doctrine
    A supreme court ruling states:
    ‘Since these government bodies are not Sovereign, they cannot promulgate or enforce criminal laws; they can only create and enforce civil laws, which are duty bound to comply with the law of contracts.’
    The law of contracts requires a wet ink signature from both parties with a written agreement and complete transparency! Enforcement of any corporate statutes on a living man or living woman without their consent is unlawful and the enforcer can be held personally liable for their actions.
    This is a fact in law and cannot be disputed.
  1. Common Law Court Order 2019 – Guildford
    This order was obtained from a lawfully convened court and a jury of twelve reasonably minded peers.
    The order addressed the issue of Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Battenberg and her coronation in 1953.
    The ruling obtained confirmed that the coronation was not conducted correctly, and that Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Battenberg was never crowned the Queen, this therefore confirms that all statutory courts, judges and police have no authority as they would have obtained this from the Queen.
    This is a fact in law and cannot be disputed.
  1. Common Law Court Order 2024 – Dundee
    This order was obtained from a lawfully convened court and a jury of twelve reasonably minded peers.
    The order addressed the crimes committed against the people by the state and confirmed  the state is guilty of committing various crimes against the people.
    These crimes are applicable to this case.
    This is a fact in law and cannot be disputed.

In Conclusion

When you issue your lawful challenge to the court, you are informing the clerk that you require a suitable date for this lawful challenge to be dealt with, in a venue of their choice.

Your lawful challenge informs the court of the utmost importance to have the head of their court system summoned and present in court. Your lawful challenge has to be heard before a jury so you can face, examine and question your false accuser regarding the case referred to.

Finally, they are notified that until such time as this lawful challenge has been dealt with, all further action in relation to this issue must be ceased.


Once this challenge has been issued, their own system confirms that it must be addressed. To assist with this process and to make sure that the system is held accountable, you send off the additional copies and inform the people by recording it on the Common Law Court website so that they are aware of the courts behaviour.

It is no longer acceptable to use the system for personal gain and to attack the people.


To obtain an editable copy of the Lawful Challenge, click on the button below.

Lawful Challenge

Public Notice – Dated 10 June 2024

Geoffrey Robert Cook, Joan Candia Cook and Oliver Bridger

Public Notice of Praecipe, Tacit Acceptance, Reconveyance and Conveyance Geoffrey Robert Cook © and Joan Candia Cook © of Hampshire, England, being a living man and a living woman and English Nationals, are not voluntary transactors in commerce, and are the irrefutable Holders in Due Course of their properties/chattels and all associated copyright protected Trade Names, Geoffrey Robert Cook/GEOFFREY ROBERT COOK, Joan Candia Cook/JOAN CANDIA COOK and Oliver Bridger/OLIVER BRIDGER since unrebutted lawful (re)conveyances to the Land and Soil jurisdiction of Devon, Hampshire, Surrey and England, commonly known as England, United Kingdom (UK) Inc, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and Great Britain, Proclamation date 14th September, 2023, Public Record Numbers SE 2425 3703 9GB; SE 2425 7951 5GB and DS 3738 7644 5GB; Thus severing usufruct subjugation ties with the occupying corporate government of Great Britain, known as UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND and UNITED KINGDOM, UK PARLIAMENT, HM GOVERNMENT, and CITY OF LONDON in its entirety. The corporate Great Britain Government, and its affiliates, are instructed to immediately cease and desist any further infringement upon these copyright protected financial instruments and to immediately cease and desist misaddressing Geoffrey Robert Cook © and Joan Candia Cook © in fraudulent debased Dog-Latin, GLOSSA. 

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